Phase Analyzer

The phase analyzer displays the results from an Acumen Fuse analysis for each individual phase.

You can add multiple metrics to the phase analyzer. By default, the results are shown in a tabular format but can also be viewed as a chart. The phase analyzer is useful for viewing trending information over time.

Analyze Within and Across Defined Phases

When you analyze the data, and calculate two basic metrics (cost and schedule), the Acumen Fuse engine prorates both duration and cost based on how the activities span across the four periods.

This makes phase-based analysis very powerful because you can analyze both within and across defined phases, accounting for the amount of cost, duration, and work that falls into each phase.

Reorder Metrics

You can reorder the Phase Analyzer metrics by clicking on a metric and dragging it up or down.

Period Start and Period End

Period Start (_PeriodStart) and Period End (_PeriodEnd) are dynamic fields that indicate the start and finish of the current phase.

You can use these fields in metric formulas to compare dates on activities to evaluate whether they are in the period of the phase analyzer regardless of what periods are being shown (months, quarters, years, and so on).

For example, Sum((Start>=_PeriodStart)*(Start<=_PeriodFinish)*1) tells Acumen to count any activities where the start date is greater or equal to the period start date and less than or equal to the period finish date.

Time Phase Options

Use the Time Phase options on the Metrics tab to specify in which phase the Phase Analyzer counts the records. You can specify that records are:
  • Counted in all periods that they span.
  • Only counted in the period in which they start, even if they span multiple periods.
  • Only counted in the period in which they end, even if they span multiple periods.

You can also use the Date Basis option to indicate which date will be used when inserting the record into the phase. You can select from Scheduled (schedule start and finish; early dates), Late (late start/finish dates), or Baseline (baseline start/finish dates).

Prorating Metrics

Prorating affects how the Phase Analyzer views activities. If Prorating is On, the Phase Analyzer takes time periods into account when it analyzes activities. If Prorating is Off, the Phase Analyzer ignores time periods when it analyzes activities.

Tip: If you apply prorating on the Primary Formula tab, Deltek recommends that you also apply it on the Secondary Formula tab (if you are using a secondary formula).

When you apply a metric filter to the matrix, Acumen doesn't prorate the filtered values when the data is analyzed. If you apply both a metric filter and formula, prorating will apply to the formula values but not the filter values.